African Safari Birthday Themes

Christopher Bautista
By -
Sample African Safari Photo booth Ideas

How to make your own personalize African Safari Birthday themes photobooth design?

Creating your own personalized African safari-themed photo booth design for a birthday party can be a delightful and unique DIY project. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

Materials You'll Need:

  • Large roll or fabric in earthy tones (such as tan or brown) for the backdrop.
  • African-themed props (animal masks, tribal accessories, safari hats, etc.).
  • Artificial greenery, such as palm leaves or faux vines.
  • African-inspired fabrics or patterns.
  • Cardboard or wood to make prop signs or cutouts.
  • Craft supplies like scissors, hot glue gun, tape, etc.
  • Camera or smartphone with tripod for capturing the photos.


  1. Backdrop: Hang the large roll or fabric in your chosen earthy tone as the backdrop. Ensure it covers a significant portion of the photo booth area. Consider adding natural textures or African-inspired patterns, like mud cloth or tribal prints, to enhance the theme.

  2. Greenery: Attach artificial greenery, palm leaves, or faux vines to the backdrop and surroundings. Use a hot glue gun, tape, or other suitable methods to secure them in place. Arrange the greenery in a way that mimics the lushness of an African safari.

  3. African Props: Gather African-themed props like animal masks, tribal accessories (such as beaded necklaces or bracelets), safari hats, or binoculars. These props can be purchased online or made at home using cardboard and craft supplies. Paint or decorate them with African-inspired patterns and colors.

  4. Decorations: Include additional African-inspired decorations such as woven baskets, African masks, or miniature safari animals strategically placed throughout the photo booth area. You can also display African fabrics or tapestries as wall hangings.

  5. Prop Signs or Cutouts: Create prop signs or cutouts with African-themed phrases or animal shapes using cardboard or wood. Paint or decorate them with vibrant African colors and patterns. Examples include signs that say "Safari Adventure," "Explore Africa," or fun phrases like "Roar!" or "Welcome to the Jungle."

  6. Photo Area: Set up an area with proper lighting and a camera or smartphone on a tripod. Adjust the tripod's height to capture the perfect angle for guests' photos. Consider using natural or warm lighting to enhance the safari theme.

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